Please confirm the product version from the batch number of your product to find the correct version of the electronic instruction manual. The batch number of the product can be found in the instruction manual


F9030-FUNWHOLE Carpentry Van V1.0

F9029-FUNWHOLE Farm Store V1.0

F9027-FUNWHOLE Medieval Watchtower V1.0

F9026-FUNWHOLE Old West Sheriff's Office V1.0

F9025-FUNWHOLE Tractor V1.2

F9024-FUNWHOLE Medieval Apothecary Shop V1.1

F9023-FUNWHOLE Newsstand V1.0

F9022-FUNWHOLE Lookout Campground V1.0

F9021-FUNWHOLE The Old West Saloon V1.2

F9020-FUNWHOLE Jungle Off Roader SUV V1.0

F9019-FUNWHOLE Steampunk Hot Rod V1.0

F9018-FUNWHOLE Hunting Cabin V1.0

F9017-FUNWHOLE Steampunk Trading Center-V1.0 ①

F9017-FUNWHOLE Steampunk Trading Center-V1.0 ②

F9017-FUNWHOLE Steampunk Trading Center-V1.0 ③

F9016-FUNWHOLE The Farm Truck V1.1

F9015-FUNWHOLE Medieval Market V1.0 ①

F9015-FUNWHOLE Medieval Market V1.0 ②

F9014-FUNWHOLE “Light Catcher” Steampunk Airship V1.1

F9014-FUNWHOLE “Light Catcher” Steampunk Airship V1.0

F9013-FUNWHOLE A-Frame Cabin V1.0

F9002-FUNWHOLE Jack And The Beanstalk V1.1

F9012-FUNWHOLE-Camper Van V1.1

F9011-FUNWHOLE-Medieval Pier Inn V1.0 ②

F9011-FUNWHOLE-Medieval Pier Inn V1.0 ①

F9010-FUNWHOLE-The Ruined Temple of The Jungle

F9009-FUNWHOLE House of Sweets

F9008-FUNWHOLE The Lighthouse of Alexandria V1.0

F9008-FUNWHOLE The Lighthouse of Alexandria V1.1

F9007-FUNWHOLE Steampunk Train Station V1.1

F9006-FUNWHOLE Steampunk Ore Train

F9006-FUNWHOLE Steampunk Ore Train V1.1

F9005-FUNWHOLE Castle on The Cliff 

FH9004-FUNWHOLE Lakeside Lodge V3.0

FH9003-Ocean Adventure Ship

FH9002-FUNWHOLE Jack And The Beanstalk

FH9001-FUNWHOLE Wood Cabin V6.0

FH9001-FUNWHOLE Wood Cabin